Best use of content marketing: ‘Ecopolis’
District energy is a highly efficient way to heat homes and buildings by recycling waste heat from power production and other industrial processes. Danfoss is the world leader in engineering district energy networks and wanted to promote this technology as a solution to lowering emissions and energy consumption.
Stakeholder insight
Create demand by engaging new stakeholders – i.e., political and urban development leaders – with a view to shaping the EU regulatory environment in favour of district energy.
Channel insight
Tap the existing momentum on sustainable cities by framing district energy as an essential component in the creation of greener cities.
Branding insight
Position district energy as sustainable heating infrastructure for the urban environment.
A 20-page tabloid-format thought leadership publication was the centerpiece, acting as a content library of articles, research, infographics, case studies, etc. Live and digital channels were also employed.
Why it should win
This campaign deserves credit for its ambition. It was truly visionary, aiming at changing the way we heat buildings in Europe and, in doing so, changing our cities for the better.
The central objective of getting district energy recognized for the first time in European energy efficiency legislation was achieved in July 2012.