Title: Sales Therapy
Author: Grant Leboff
Published by: Wiley
“The old transactional sales model does not work anymore.” Grant Leboff is not the first person to claim that the old ways of selling no longer work. Nor is Sales Therapy the first book to detail how sellers in the modern business environment have to adapt to survive.
Some aspects of Sales Therapy are probably familiar to those who understand Solution Selling and other more modern systems. But where some sales systems seem to pay lip service to putting the customer first, Leboff takes these familiar themes and deals with them with uncompromising integrity. When he suggests there are times that a salesperson must be prepared to walk away, you know he really means it.
Leboff’s prose is never going to win awards for style; in fact it’s plain to the point of being simplistic. However this simplicity hides some very deep concepts. It’s probably worth reading parts of it several times to truly grasp the implications.
Reviewed by Chris Ellis, business development manager, Greenlight