Social media for internal communications?

Social media started life as something externally-focused, a mechanism through which users could connect with the outside world. But it is slowly becoming a tool leveraged internally too, delivering new ways for colleagues and contacts contributing to projects to interact and collaborate.

Social advocates believe only organisations that embrace social media, inside and out, can hope to leverage all the benefits the channel offers, and there are compelling supporting arguments.
However, research published in our B2B Marketing Social Media Benchmarking Reoprt 2013 suggests it is still early days in the search for this social utopia. Only a quarter of our respondents reported using a social platform to facilitate inhouse collaboration.

It’s understandable that uptake here is slow; embracing social within the organisation requires a commitment from the top, as well as a fundamental culture shift. It is something that’s likely to catch on though, and we’d expect to see significantly more companies embracing such solutions in future studies.

What are you experiences of internal social media useage? Is it the future?

Also, here’s an infographic we produced offering an overview of the report’s key findings:

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