Spending Advertising Money in the Digital Age

Authors: Hamish Pringle, Jim Marshall 
Publisher: Kogan Page
Reviewer: Katy Sears, media director at Strange & Dawson, a Harte-Hanks agency

I had high expectations for Spending Advertising Money in the Digital Age. I thought it would explore how today’s advertising budgets should be prioritised in line with the explosion and impact of digital channels. And I hoped it would share ideas and insights for dynamic campaigns in the world of ideas-first activity and channel-neutral planning.

I have to say, I was disappointed.

This book takes a very broad and comprehensive channel-by-channel approach, exploring everything from cinema to radio to local newspapers to PR. Digital channels do feature as part of the mix, but not very prominently.

The very fact that the channels are segregated in this chapter-by-chapter way immediately makes the book feel a little out of touch and dated. For that reason, I can’t recommend it as a good read for experienced marketers who know their trade.

That said, there are some very illustrious contributors and some interesting case studies. Most of the channel-focused chapters are illustrated with an example of an IPA Effectiveness Awards winner. These rigorous awards are all about recognising communications that deliver tangible return on investment – which is very much of the moment. But the brands featured include Dove, Radley and ghd…there really isn’t much of direct relevance for business-to-business marketers here.

Spending Advertising Money in the Digital Age wasn’t one for me. However, new starters in the industry, or students, may find this book a useful introduction to the depth and breadth of channels available.

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