Take the Friday Afternoon Cappuccino Challenge

You’re on a mission. Increasing sales is your goal. You’ve got your head down and are relentless in your desire to make and beat your targets.


…as the old saying goes, you may be working hard, but are you working SMART? Put another way – you might be efficient, but how effective is your activity?

If you’re crazy busy you might find it strange to hear me recommend time away from your desks! Yet in my experience, occasional time outs from the normal working environment are a brilliant way to assess where you are – and acquire valuable insights into what needs to happen going forward.

So be kind to you, take a little time out now – and reap the benefits later. Do this once a month and you’ll increase your sales success rate.

Check out my time out exercise below.

The Cappuccino Challenge for Sales Success

Spend a couple of hours away from your normal working environment, maybe at a cafe or coffee shop. Switch the phone off, no interruptions. All you need is something to write with, something to write on, your utmost honesty – and a large cup of your favourite coffee!


Is your performance all it can be?
How are you with your own performance?
When was the last time you received honest feedback on your performance?
When did you last give yourself a self appraisal session?
What do you feel pleased with in your personal progress?
What worries you?
What can you do about it?

Are you setting the right standards?
Are you setting the right standards for your organisation and those around you?
Are you proud of those standards?
Where might things be clarified or improved?
Does everyone around you understand what those standards are – and work by them?

Acid Test
What issues really need to be addressed?
What’s getting in the way?
What’s the single biggest obstacle that’s holding things back?
Where can calm and thoughtfulness help to make things better?
Do you have the courage of your convictions?

Blame Audit
Has laying blame crept into your organisation?
What or who is suffering because of this?
Are you tending to lay blame?
Are you taking responsibility?
How can you turn things around?

How can things be better for you at work?
How can things be better at home?
What’s really going on right now?
When did you last review your personal mission and vision?
Have you got a personal mission and vision?
How does this fit with your business or career mission?

Let’s be clear – this is not an afternoon off! On the contrary, it can be one of the biggest contributions you will make to your sales, your business, career and personal success.

Clients have tried this when they least thought they could spare the time. Afterwards they felt so much more energised and ready to focus on making the RIGHT things happen.

Friday afternoon is the best time – so you can return to work on Monday feeling fresh and absolutely clear on what’s to be done.

Until next time.

Leigh Ashton

PS: Download my latest report “The 9 Biggest Sales Mistakes” here

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