Video marketing is the future. At this point you are probably thinking “no way”, but seriously, video marketing really is big; and is growing even bigger by the minute. If you are still not convinced, check out any news page and see how many links there are to video content.
Readers love video content and successful viral videos regularly feature on the front page of big news outlets. The world has fallen in love with cute puppies playing and fluffy kittens bouncing around. Videos featuring adorable little kids are always popular, too. YouTube is one of the biggest search engines in the world, but most of us don’t realise it. Video content increases reader engagement and people tend to stick around longer when a website features video content. Posts containing video content are also significantly more likely to be shared on social media.
Obviously you can’t post an endless succession of cute cat videos on your website because it wouldn’t be appropriate, but do spend time thinking about what your customers want to see. Perhaps some more tutorial content is needed, in which case video is the perfect format. Whatever you do, have a plan and test it out before you wholeheartedly throw your entire B2B marketing budget at the wall. Informational webinars are always popular, so if you have a message to put out there, or you want to show customers how to use your products, film a short clip and post it on YouTube.
Making videos is pretty easy. Anyone with a decent camera phone can shoot clear film footage and then edit it using readily available software packages. Alternatively, invest in or hire a digital video camera and record your videos with professional quality microphones and lighting kits, but don’t go too overboard worrying about production quality. Unless you are marketing your videos at the corporate sector, they don’t need to look like they came straight out of Pinewood Studios.
Once you know how to make a website, it isn’t difficult to add video content to existing blog content. You can also add your videos to popular video sharing websites such as Instagram and Vine. Mix and match video content with blog posts. Customers are more likely to stick around if you give them useful and informative content.
Video content can be incredibly effective. Facebook posts featuring video are far more likely to engage readers than any other type of content, so this is a good place to start posting video.
If you don’t have a clue where to start, look at other websites in your niche and see what type of videos they are producing. Use this as a starting point for your own brainstorming sessions.
Businesses that refuse to engage with video will almost certainly get left behind in an increasingly competitive marketplace, so don’t ignore the power of B2B video content marketing.