The B2B Executive Playbook – The Ultimate Weapon for Achieving Sustainable, Predictable and Profitable Growth

Author: Sean Geehan

Publisher: Clerisy Press

Reviewer: Nick Elsom, client services director, Underwired

Anyone who has been on a speed-reading course will tell you that similar results can be achieved by reading the intro, the contents and the back page précis. Applying those principles to the The B2B Executive Playbook – no matter how busy you are – would mean missing out on some considered and practical solutions to B2B challenges.
The book offers some sound advice. First, follow the mantra of SPPG – sustainable, predictable, profitable growth. And I didn’t have to refer to the book to recite that, so powerful it is as a core idea, and from which flow all the book’s ideas.
Second, weed out the clients that drain resource, and work to nurture contributing clients. Work out who can really contribute, and how. At times when ‘busyness’ takes over from business, the practical steps introduced in the ‘Engage’ chapter helps refocus efforts to turn our clients – especially those who we don’t see on a day-to-day basis – into powerful advocates. And that means events, thought leadership, involving clients in decisions about how we see our agency growing, based on the client benefits that flow from that growth.
Third, the interviews with Paul Dunay reinforce the common sense approach that can be hard to put to the evangelist client – you cannot create a single ROI from the vast and varied data inputs that social and digital deliver. And this section should be reprinted for any ambitious digital marketing managers – B2B and B2C alike.
In summary? One to read, refer back to and use as a basis for real-life growth, not to speed read.

Star rating: 4/5

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