The Crocodile and B2B marketing best practice

Marketing techniques continue to develop at frightening speed and at The Crocodile we’ve never been more excited by what’s possible.

B2B Marketing and The Crocodile are both champions of best practice and have a shared passion to ignite the imagination of marketers, so it will be no surprise to learn that we are taking a number of joint initiatives this year.

Firstly we have signed up as a headline sponsor to the hotly contested B2B Awards. This has become not only an important annual gathering of leading B2B marketing practitioners, it’s a genuine exposition of innovation in marketing. We are delighted to have this association.

We are also making an editorial contribution to the B2B Marketing Knowledge Bank, an essential resource for today’s B2B marketer, providing dedicated resource and best practice against specialist topics.

The Crocodile is widely regarded as a leader in B2B social marketing, delivering insight driven social media that gets people talking. Through 2015 we will be focusing on this topic area, working with the Knowledge Bank to inform and expose B2B marketers to what can be achieved using social marketing.

At The Crocodile we believe B2B social has come of age and we encourage marketers to think strategically, to consider the technology possibilities that drive real-time insight and to be open to persistent innovation and a relentless focus on ‘people’. 

All too often we see ‘anti-social’ behavior that manifests in a failure to listen and participate in a two-way dialogue, undermining the basics of a good conversation. Conversely, our approach to social media places the customer at the heart of the strategy with a view to building enduring and more rewarding relationships. This requires a number of skills including the analytical capabilities to unearth actionable insights.

To underline our advocacy of this approach we will also be rewarding best practice as sponsors of the Best Use of Customer Insight category at the B2B Awards.

It should be a fantastic night, the industry’s big annual conversation. 




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