The Energy Bus – 10 rules to fuel your life, work, and team with positive energy

Author: Jon Gordon

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Reviewer: Laura England, account executive, Stone Junction

George, a miserable father-of-two with a failing marriage and a stressful career, wakes up to a flat tyre. To avoid missing a dreaded work meeting, George is forced to take the bus. The Energy Bus follows George as a series of unfortunate events force him to reassess his lifestyle, thoughts and energy.

I’ll be the first to admit, I’m far from the bundle of energy Jon Gordon, the author, appears to be. In fact, I’m a self-confessed pessimist and, under closer inspection, I would probably fit in pretty well with the energy vampires that Gordon mentions throughout the book. Unsurprisingly, I approached The Energy Bus with scepticism. Under normal circumstances, I would avoid this kind of writing at all costs, purely out of fear that inspirational writing would turn out to be nothing more than cringe-worthy drivel.

But I’ll put up my hands and admit it­ – I enjoyed it. 

The book is described as ‘10 rules to fuel your life, work, and team with positive energy’ and the content fits the bill. The rules presented throughout the book are simple and to the point, yet still inspiring enough to make you want to put them into practice. The negative aspects of George’s character are relatable and that’s why The Energy Bus hits home. Although written in a simplistic format, the ideas Gordon presents in the book are clear and complete, giving plenty of food for thought for the energy vampires among us.

While I admit, terms like ‘chief energy officer’ did make me wince a little, I was able to overlook these and indulge in Gordon’s philosophy of positive energy. With plenty of intelligent quotes and motivating one-liners, The Energy Bus is certainly a keeper for our bookshelf.

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