The hardest challenges of user adoption and how to face them

CRM software has the potential to change every aspect of your businesses processes. But without a team dedicated to using it effectively, it is only…

CRM software has the potential to change every aspect of your businesses processes. But without a team dedicated to using it effectively, it is only a programme up in a cloud.

 Forrester Research investigated which issues were most prevalent for business managers throughout a CRM implementation process. User adoption topped the list as the most crucial issue to its success.

 Here are some causes of poor user adoption, and the strategies to keep your users focused on all of the possibilities it will provide for them and the company.

  1. Employees consider it a technological fad


They may not place trust in, or consider CRM worth their time if your management do not appear to be behind it.

Management and directors referencing CRM results in all of their internal communications projects confidence in its abilities. You can convince your employees that CRM is here to stay.


  1. Employees are concerned about being monitored

Some may feel CRM has an element of ‘Big Brother’ about it. This is due to its ability to connect all departments, features suggesting targets/responses to situations, and reminders of overlooked or uncompleted tasks. These all aim to improve productivity, and more informed decision-making.

Personalise employee accounts. This encourages your employees to regard its use as an extension of their knowledge, abilities, and understanding of current trends in the organization.

 Focus training on the benefits it provides them such as reducing admin, shortening their sales targets and gaining more business.


     Lack of confidence in the implementation process

 If your vendors can provide exactly what is expected of them- comprehensive training that has been tested rigorously for user acceptance, you have just overcome one of the hardest challenges facing user acceptance.

 Richard Boardman, founder of Mereeba CRM Consulting, finds that the reality is often quite different. In a blog post, he writes ‘the rigorous testing phase can quickly be dispensed with if the vendor finds them self under time or budget pressure, and the client effectively gets landed with the vendor’s testing responsibilities, or worse, gets to try and test something that’s effectively still in development.’

Albeit, a highly cautious view; it displays a highly valid concern. Ensure that your vendor is contracted to receive payment based on meeting quality targets. Also find well-recommended CRM consultants whose operations can handle the size of your rollout.


  1. Will it be functional for users across all departments?


Because of its all-encompassing departmental strategy, there can be concerns about how its features relate to individuals in different departments.

Organise monthly cross-department meetings to discuss the CRM systems updates, outline training and skills gaps, and create action plans to improve its design features. 

Personalising its many features to your employee’s duties improves security and encourages user adoption.


  1. CRM doesn’t match our business approach


Your company may be re-developing its business model, especially in the current economic climate, or due to recent growth. This can leave your CRM out of date with your current processes. Users may then consider it as irrelevant to their daily activities. 

Simply update its features to match your current business practices. Modern CRM is highly adaptable to many different business models.

Take advantage of updates; plan which features could be added or removed in the future, depending on your businesses trajectory. You will always be prepared to take advantage of sales and savings as your business develops.


  1. Employees will receive no recognition


CRM can be highly valuable in aiding employees to achieve their targets. Also consider how it can be used in personal reviews, and to gain bonuses; they may consider this more important. Incentivize their use of CRM, ensuring they recognize the link between CRM and success.

Read this article for more tips on encouraging CRM User Adoption.

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