The Microsoft-LinkedIn merger and what it means for B2B marketers

Shockwaves were sent around the B2B marketing community earlier this month when Microsoft announced it is acquiring LinkedIn. Many are wondering how Microsoft’s biggest acquisition in its history – the company reportedly shelled out $26.2 billion to buy the professional network – will affect B2B marketers in the future.

“Near term, little will change in the day-to-day use of LinkedIn by B2B marketers. Long-term, I think this is a huge opportunity for B2B marketers,” said Ted Kohnen, managing director of SteinIAS’ San Francisco office. “From integrating technology platforms (Microsoft’s and LinkedIn’s) to integrating rich amounts of data, I think the B2B marketers will be able to learn about, reach, and engage their audiences in more efficient ways.”

Only time will tell how the deal will impact B2B marketers. Meanwhile, our own Bill Furlong, GM of B2B Marketing USA, and Terrance McDermott, VP and media director of B2B agency Slack and Co., offer their perspectives on how the deal will play out in the B2B marketing community.


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