It is predicted that 35 zettabytes (or, a billion terabytes) of data will be generated annually by 2020. In spite of this exponential rise, marketing professionals are finding the sheer volume and variety is obscuring valuable insights, according to The Economic Times. Without the ability to harness this influx of digital intelligence, marketing potential is wasted.
The most downloaded item last week by B2B marketers was Five ways to data-charge your marketing. This collaborative paper from Marketscan and B2B Marketing argues that in an age of big data and ever-evolving technologies across multichannel platforms, a scientific approach to marketing is needed. From data cleansing to identifying top clients, it provides five key steps for data-charging a marketing strategy.
Once the demographic and static data is in place and email campaigns are underway, the correct metrics are required. Metrics matter – Beyond the essentials, from Dotmailer, was the next most downloaded item. The piece speculates on the limitations of traditional measurement and provides guidelines for a more sophisticated approach.
Citrix GoToWebinar’s Your buyer 2.0 marketing strategy overhaul kit experienced a late resurgence last week. The paper looks at the importance of PEM – positive emotional messaging – in a landscape of empowered consumers and outlines a customer journey-tailored content strategy.
A second contribution from Dotmailer entitled: The role of multichannel marketing in B2B ecommerce, also resonated with our audience. This may be because, according to the paper, ecommerce is the fasted growing element of the business world with 50 per cent of companies already practicing it. The 21-page paper provides the building blocks of B2B ecommerce and highlights the necessity of effective email marketing in the customer journey.
And finally, featuring in our top downloads for the second time, Lead generation – What it takes to make a sale, from 4CM, provides a comprehensive study of the process; from inbound and outbound generation, content creation to the customer decision process. The paper demonstrates how even small and medium sized companies can succeed against bigger, better resourced competitors or industry leading brands – despite the crowded, noisy and cost-cutting marketplace.
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