Top tech companies

Top tech companies’ revenue per employee revealed (Infographic)

Revenue per employee charts are a fascinating way to judge the health of tech companies. But, exactly how much money do companies like Apple or Google or Microsoft make per employee?

In below’s infographic, you can see how much money some of the largest corporations in the world make per employee, and the results are quite surprising.

Let’s take Apple for example, the company booked more than $2 million for each of its 110,000 employees in its latest fiscal year, which ended September 30. Facebook is in second place, thanks to its relatively lean staff (only 12,691 employees at the end of 2015), and Alphabet/Google is in third.

Are you surprised to see the results? We certainly were.

After taking a look into the revenue per employee, it seemed like a logical thing to take a look into how much revenue was being spent on their sales and marketing budgets.

Of the revenue made per employee, Apple only spent seven per cent on their sales marketing strategy in comparison to Microsoft who spent a more generous 18 per cent. Interestingly, Twitter invested 44 per cent of their revenue back into their sales and marketing and reports a 111 per cent revenue growth year-on-year.

So, how much should companies be spending on their sales and marketing activity?  

The real answer depends what you want to achieve; if you want to grow more that 50 per cent year on year, it’s fair to say you’ll have to spend more than 10 per cent of your revenue.

According to a Gartner Research study, “companies spent on average 10.2 per cent of their annual revenue on overall marketing, with 50 per cent of companies planning to increase this to an average of 10.4%.

It’s important to focus on your goals when deciding marketing budgets, especially if you don’t have thousands of employees, multi-million dollar marketing budgets and billion dollar revenues.

Scroll down to see the infographic. 

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