Twitter opens up its Gnip Audience API image

Twitter opens up its Gnip Audience API

Twitter announced that its Gnip Audience API is now generally available, giving all brands access to real-time demographic data around their audience’s interests.

The tool is designed to give marketers as much information as possible about prospects because, “after all, brands that have a better understanding of the makeup of customers and prospects are able to make smarter and more strategic product and marketing decisions,” said Jason Carey, data products engineer at Twitter, adding, “At its core, the Audience API is a flexible service that allows brands to define an audience of interest in order to instantly learn more about the demographic makeup of the users in that group. One input to the Audience API is a list of Twitter User IDs. Customers can use the Audience API with Gnip’s Full-Archive Search or PowerTrack APIs to instantly understand the audiences engaged with any topic, conversation, influencer or event.”

The tool will enable marketers to create audience segments in three ways:

  1. Those who follow a public Twitter handle;
  2. People who have seen a brand’s organic tweets in the past 90 days and have engaged;
  3. And first-party data via Tailored Audiences, including email addresses, phone numbers, mobile advertising IDs, or Twitter users that have visited a brand’s website.

However, brands shouldn’t expect to get free rein. In order to give Twitter users privacy, marketers will not get data on individual accounts; instead the data will be anonymized and aggregated based on a defined group of 500 Twitter accounts. 

“The approach we have pursued is grounded in probabilistic data aggregation and differential privacy, and our continued work in this area has allowed us to maintain the same levels of protection while making important product improvements throughout the Audience API Beta — namely, reducing the minimum audience size a customer can query from 10,000 users to 500, and greatly reducing the reporting thresholds on the output of the API,” Carey said.

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