UK citizens spend almost three hours per day online

UK citizens spend an average of two hours 51 minutes per day online, according to research by IAB and UKOM.

Forty-five per cent of this time is spent on computers and laptops, 40 per cent on smartphones and 15 per cent on tablets.

Online statistics show social media makes up 17 per cent of all internet time in the UK, rising from 12 per cent two years ago.

In contrast, time spent on entertainment platforms has almost halved in the past two years, dropping from around 22 per cent to approximately 12 per cent.

The research is intended to bring clarity to internet usage data, with conflicting statistics often causing confusion.

Scott Fleming, general manager at UKOM, said: “When trying to reach customers, advertisers can’t afford to think of time online as a homogenous entity. 

“Mobile internet time is more heavily skewed towards social networking and games while desktop is more loaded towards email and entertainment such as film and multimedia.

“The most effective digital ad strategies recognise and take into account how behaviour and mind-set differ dramatically by device.”


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