Understanding digital marketing

Author: Damian Ryan and Calvin Jones

Publisher: Kogan Page

Reviewer: James Wright, senior account executive, Kelso Consulting

Unlike many digital marketing books, it doesn’t naturally assume everyone working in marketing is adept with the language of the digital world. It does, however, provides a simple easy-to-read overview, and was a great introduction to the subject.

Each charter gives an overview of all the activity you might undertake in a digital campaign. The chapters cover everything from getting your website in order, to online PR and reputation management and social media.

While it might remind you of trundling through University work books, the ‘pledge’ which starts every chapters provides you with a helpful brief of what you will learn. In no particular order, it then follows through pretty much everything you would need to know on each subject.

The book is brought together through of combination of knowledge from the authors (which is plenty) and external references. Each chapter consists of insights on strategy and tactics and while it does not provide too much detail on each specific activity, it does gives a good overview of things for your consideration.

In the first instance, I would suggest working towards your weaknesses as some parts might be slightly more useful than others. In my case, the section that concentrates on working on websites was less useful than some as it can really go back to basics (however, very helpful if you’re new to the subject).

It is a book that every marketing professional should consider if digital marketing falls within your remit. It would be useful for anyone who is interested in understanding the subject.

If you’re completely new to most areas of digital marketing, it’s a great way of getting your head around the basics and fundamentals.

The book will help you build a thorough and effective digital marketing campaign and I would recommend it highly.



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