When looking to redesign our website recently we were struck by the need to attract visitors with outstanding visuals whilst at the same time making our communication clearly communicate the commercial benefits of what we do at Platform.
Given our evolution over the last 10 years as a business we faced a challenge I am sure a lot of businesses wrestle with – we needed a website that took amazing design but simplified the message that we are able to provide companies with business solutions for brand engagement. We wanted to incorporate our ethos that every great campaign starts from one clever strategic piece of thinking and showcase our work past and present, whilst making sure at every step we engaged and kept visitors on the site.
A company website is the first thing a potential new client will see of your company and therefore you have a few seconds to engage them and get them to discover more.
Creating a website that visually shows the great work we have undertaken but reflects how we help our clients tell their stories and work with them to get their customers to love their brands was our goal.
So how did we do it?
We looked to use outside influence – we looked to incorporate great client testimonials, video and case studies
We gave visitors the opportunity to see how we have turned business issues into solutions by drawing visitors through ‘The Challenge’, ‘The Thinking’, ‘The Answer’ and importantly the business ‘Effect’ of past experience.
We have created a virtual ‘calling card’
Our idea was to progress from using our website as a ‘shop front’ to more of a ‘calling card’ creating a first point of call for potential customers and influencers that visually demonstrated the breadth of our capability.
Our website www.platformgroup.co.uk launches on May 22nd so please feel free to visit and judge for yourself whether we managed to strike the right balance!