Valuable content marketing – How to make quality content the key to your business success

Authors: Sonja Jefferson and Sharon Tanton

Publisher: Kogan Page

Reviewer: Tom Bourlet, digital marketing executive, The Eventa Group

“It’s Instagram that we enjoy most. It will be different for you. You need to find your mix.” These words could not be truer. I used to think if a social platform worked magnificently for one client, then it simply couldn’t fail for another. This sadly isn’t always true, meaning you have to adapt to the industry you are in, to the skills of your employees and to what works best with your business. What platforms do your customers use and how can you reach out to them?

With guest blogging receiving an unfairly harsh reputation in the past year, it is good to see the authors have highlighted the right way to go about this strategy, while highlighting that bulk emails DO NOT WORK. It is so important to build relations with sites you would love to get content on and there are a number of tips on how to go about this.

One section was brilliant at hitting the nail on the head regarding exactly what similar books have left out. You can produce all of the great content in the world, but if your site is falling behind then it simply won’t matter, people will bounce from the page or won’t convert. Confronting issues such as building a responsive design and adding clear calls to action will help you go a long way with your site if you haven’t already sorted these.

The one area I felt the book failed to cover was the adapted strategy for content based on a local company. For example, local SEO is very much different to general SEO, while the same could be said about finding local potential leads on social compared to a nationwide business.

Overall I would highly recommend reading this book, one of the best I’ve read in 2015.

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