Video an internet star

With respect to all those who remember the song ‘Video killed the radio star’ knowing that it didn’t… video is becoming an increasingly useful tool in the PR world.  Well actually it always was, but somehow today it is so much more accessible as communications tool.

All of those of us who visit b2b websites will it seems happily watch a short video bringing a story to life, and it is a great way of showing how a product or solution works. 

Even a discussion can come to life when you watch the participants it seems, and it builds more trust and credibility.

Actually video is a great way of bringing all sorts of short-form content to life, and we are increasingly using it for PR because of this. The recent PR Lions Grand Prix at the Cannes Festival of Creativity was won by a video animation ‘Dumb Ways to Die’ – a safety reminder PR campaign for Metro Trains in Melbourne (incidentally created and produced by McCann Melbourne – an ad agency).

Viral videos for product launches have been doing the rounds for a while, but the whole corporate world has woken up to how content can be made more ‘entertaining’ when delivered in this form.

A large PR group has even recently hired an ad director to launch its own video production arm; and just last week at the Think Tank we were having discussions with a prospect about video logs as part of bringing the world of recruitment services to life.

Here are 10 ways to be using video for PR purposes today, along with the written word of course:

news releases

product launches

company newsletters

welcome page on your website

internal communications training

health & safety training

company events

case studies

discussions around industry topics

crisis management

I would love to hear about how you have been using video in your PR campaigns too.



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