Video and mobile marketing stars for 2014

Marketing trends for 2014 revolve around the adaption of customer services to social networks, and keep an active interaction with consumers in social media. Images and video have become paramount as a means of making our content more shareable, and especially on mobile devices.

The video will be the new content revolution in 2014

Cisco estimates that by 2015, 85 % of internet traffic will be video-based. Users actively demand videos, content with which they will be spending their leisure time. A habit that has led users to make their own creations, mainly with the help from their Smartphone; and share the content via their social profiles. On this premise lies the success of Vine, whose videos of six seconds soon arouse the interest of Instagram, which a few months ago was all the rage with production of 15 seconds. Brands cannot ignore this reality. It is a way to reach people, to get their attention and increase brand awareness. The combination of video, mobile and geo-location can be explosive. Video and customer service in social networks have proven to be the main building blocks for the marketing strategy in 2014.

Consumer mobile and multi-screen

The migration from desktop to mobile is almost a reality. The tablet market has already surpassed that of the mobile, and it is growing rapidly. E-Marketers expect 67.6% of Facebook users to consult their profiles via mobile devices, and the coverage would reach 95.5 % in 2017.

At least 1 in 3 U.S. consumers have purchased via mobile phones in the second half of the year. It should be clarified that, before completing the purchase, 2 out of 3 users have used one or more devices for information while they were shopping in physical stores. This trend will continue to expand throughout 2014, particularly in propitious times of high consumption.

E-couch commerce or the habit to shop online from the couch also continues to grow. Consumers are becoming more comfortable and 2 out of 3 customers will buy from the living room of their house, through mobile devices.

More Inbound marketing strategies

The Inbound Marketing is based on attraction: it is the consumer that reaches to the product, or service, on the Internet or social networks on its own initiative attracted by message or quality content and obviously of interest. On this premise, brands will understand that consumers are unwilling to major disruptions. This type of marketing is based on a two-way relationship, where brands no longer buy the attention of consumers, but that will be earned by providing those benefits or added value that could spark a real interest of potential customers.

The new era of Big Data

The Big Data has become a regular topic of conversation in the digital marketing. During 2013, its growth has increased 227%, and although many companies still are challenged to achieve their full potential, by 2014, many more companies will continue working on it in order to identify trends, and improve the experience of their customers.

The retargeting, a new world of possibilities

Both search engines like social networks handle first-hand information on user behaviour, browsing habits, consumption and interests, as well as personal data such as age, sex or place of birth. This information is an explosive cocktail in the hands of advertisers, who are able to show the right product to the interests of users. This conversion is promoted by avoiding the massive bombardment of messages of little or no relevance. Because of this emerging trend, the marketing budgets of companies also include the study of user behaviour beyond web analytics. Marketers will make a greater effort to be able to estimate more accurately the impact of their actions, taking into account the context and the remaining shares of its strategy.

The new paradigms of SEO search engine

The keywords will become meaningless, or at least not be as relevant as they were. The new Google algorithm appears to be much more intelligent. It promises to learn from applications submitted by the users, and to fine tune search results based on specific needs at all times. All this is a result of the new direction and new trends that search engines like Google try to apply and transmit to us telling us that that “does not matter much what you say, because only relevant information is interesting for the users”. The context is the new king and social action, a new indicator that search engines take reference.
Read more marketing trends in 2014 and align your strategy accordingly.

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