Websites Swallowed by Penguin, Help is On the Way

If you are responsible for your company’s website, you need to know about the biggest changes in SEO history that are happening right now and what you can do to make sure your website doesn’t disappear into a black hole when it comes to achieving high rankings on Google .

Over the last two years, Google has aggressively targeted websites that have been using less than ethical search engine optimisation (SEO) methods of getting to the top of Google.  It has released several algorithm changes, which has hit not only spammy websites, but also innocent sites that don’t meet Google’s new criteria for ranking well.

So, is SEO dead?

Many critics have dubbed the latest updates as the death of SEO, but the reality is that it has evolved. If you choose to ignore it, your online presence on Google is likely to become extinct very quickly.

No website is immune – in order to help you understand what you need to do to make sure your website is not negatively impacted, Toinfinity have produced a free white paper which you can download from their website here.

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