Anyone with their finger on the pulse of technology will not have failed to notice the explosion in the growth of mobile apps in recent years. But how does this translate in the world of B2B?
Well, according to email and social media provider StrongMail it’s clear that B2B is planning on capitalising on this emerging platform. A recent survey by the company found 24 per cent of B2B marketing companies plan to invest more money on building apps this year. And it makes sense for those in the B2B sector to sit up and take note of the fact that business users are increasingly using mobile and tablet devices to consume content from app stores.
Apps for mobile present a new means for B2B brands to deliver their core message to their target audience to enhance marketing communication, information management, customer service and engagement.
Our new Mobile Apps Business Case will give you a background on apps for mobile. It will also tell you how to utilise and implement mobile into your wider marketing strategy.
Download the Mobile Apps Business Case now.
Research & Reports coming up:
Later this month – Social Media Monitoring: Technology Evaluation Guide.
Next month keep your eyes peeled for the Twitter: Best Practice Guide and our Email Marketing: Benchmarking Report, produced in association with our research partner, Circle Research.