Why I hate social media

1. Numbers
We’re continuously reminded that social media is ‘not all about numbers’, but in reality it seems few people truly believe this. Without a respectable following (perhaps 1000 plus for an individual and at least 10,000 for a brand) it’s likely you’ll be ignored.

2. ‘Always on’
Social media embodies our ‘always on’ culture. So, this means if you’re a social media manager you can’t (theoretically) switch off. Get ready to tweet in your sleep – or at least schedule tweets for when you’ll be sleeping.

3.  The right people
With more and more people using social media (over one billion of us log into Facebook each month alone) the networks have been infiltrated by tonnes of spam accounts.

Lately my notification feed has been taken over by these spam accounts and messages that promise ‘work from home jobs that make $1000 a day’. This makes it even harder to have real conversations and create relationships with followers.

4. It’s not just ‘social media’
Social media marketing isn’t confined to social media platforms. Social is both about building a community of likeminded people and sharing valuable content. That means building relationships with key influencers (which doesn’t happen overnight) and planning, creating and promoting shareable content that is published on both your brand website and other media outlets.

However, the four reasons above are also why I love social. They make social media marketing competitive, creative and, ultimately, a rewarding space to work in.

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