Worst ad of the month

Brand: Azzurri

Product/service: Telecoms audit service

Appeared in: Credit Today, May 2007


On a need to know basis, I needed to know whether this was an, “oh fek, we’ve booked a space because of a show and forgotten an ad to fill it” advertisement – or, more worryingly, a “we produce pants ads like this all the time because we think someone gives a damn” advertisement. So, against my better instincts, I paid a visit to the Azzurri website. ‘We’re changing communications,’ is the line boldly displayed at the top of the homepage. Well, no they’re not.

Now, whilst I accept that Credit Today isn’t on my usual reading list and I am therefore not the core audience, I have never accepted that terminally dull advertising is the way to engage your audience – even, ‘bean countery-credit-type-people’. I was actually encouraged to find some good creative ads in Credit Today. Well okay, there were two. But that fortified me sufficiently to point out the error of Azzurri’s ways.

This ad represents the banality and inconsequence that is prevalent throughout B2B communications. At first glance it’s… okay. Sort of. Nice logo, picture of a woman, big headline, three bullet points of copy, a call- to-action and some contact points. But actually, that’s exactly the problem with this and so many other B2B ads. A first glance is about all it’s going to get. It’s not interesting, it’s not exciting, it’s not personal, it’s not funny, it’s not unique and it’s not anything of any substance. It’s not even English. What’s a ‘communications estate’ for heavens sake? Does it mean my phone bill?And if it does, why not call it a ‘phone bill’?

And here’s the best bit. Birddog is actually a customer of Azzurri’s. We have been for years apparently. I didn’t know that until our bean countery-credit-type-person told me. So it’s taking our money (and in fairness, they’re providing a service) – but do I have any affinity to the brand? No. Am I enjoying the experience? No. Do I have a positive view of the brand personality? No. Do I feel connected to Azzurri in any way other than a contractual obligation? No. Do I sign the cheques? Yes. Maybe I don’t have to be part of the brand because I’m an existing customer and this ad is directed towards new customers. But it surprises and disappoints me that as an existing customer, I can’t look at an Azzurri ad and think, “Wow, that’s great, I made the right choice”. So instead of supporting its sales function, it’s actually alienating the customers who currently pay the bills.

Azzurri isn’t offering its customers any competitive distinction or point of difference. It has failed to excite me and make me want to be part of the ‘Azzurri experience’. I’ve been a customer for years – it’s had a fair chance. So if one of its competitors offers me a better brand experience or better price, I’ll have no reason not to switch provider. A good ad could have made all the difference.

[email protected]

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