Ignite USA 2020 session: ABM at Scale

In this Ignite USA breakout session, you'll learn how the PureB2B marketing team successfully scaled their internal ABM program with super-lean resource demands.


  • Margaret Anna Eliot, Sr. Director of Marketing, PureB2B

Many organizations are finding huge success with ABM programs focused on their target account lists. The next step to ramp up that success is ABM at scale.

If you’re putting off scaling your ABM (or launching your ABM with 1-to-many) for fear of the investment required, then this session will change all that.

This practical, case-study led presentation will show you how the PureB2B marketing team successfully scaled their internal ABM program with super-lean resource demands.

Anna Eliot, Sr. Director of Marketing at PureB2B will share with you the steps they took to align internal teams for the planning, production, measurement, and deployment of a scalable ABM program.

Providing insights from PureB2Bs successful ABM program, Anna will share planning strategies that include:

  • Combining marketing and sales data to segment and prioritize target account lists
  • Approaches for the atomization of content for ABM segmentation coverage
  • Coordinating sales and marketing deployments for optimal results
  • What KPIs need to be established to track success
  • Scaling beyond the first 100 target accounts

You’ll learn how PureB2B’s integration of list segmentation and content atomization enabled sales and marketing teams to increase account penetration, response rates, and opportunities created.

  • ABM Segmentation and Atomization: How to successfully apply traditional marketing concepts in preparation for large scale ABM deployment
  • KPIs: What dimensions and behaviors to track for program success
  • Deployment Strategies: When to launch coordinated sales and marketing strategies to optimize positive outcomes

To watch the recorded session in full just log in or register as a free B2B Marketing member. It only takes seconds!

Watch the briefing here​

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