How to Create a DIY CRM System with Google Docs

  • It’s affordable (read: free)
  • It’s flexible
  • It’s easy to use and customize
  • Demographics – Company name, contact name, email, phone number, etc.
  • Prospect source – How the prospect found out about your company
  • Next actions – A code that determines how you’ll follow (e.g. phone call or email)
  • Contact log – Notes from every contact you make with the prospect
  • Estimated opportunity size – An estimate of the size of the sale
  • Lead nurturing stage – A numbered system that shows how close the prospect is to purchasing (1 = aware but not interested; 4 = has purchased)
  • Determine the cell range you want to count sales prospects for (let’s say it’s cells C2 to C100)
  • Decide the criteria for counting each cell (in this case it’s a “1”)

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