McCann Manchester launches agency pub

McCann Manchester has launched a new pub on its grounds, allowing the agency an opportunity to prove the old adage that all the best business ideas start in the pub.

The pub has been named ‘The Haunt’ in honour of the ghosts who frequent the agency’s buildings, and will be exclusively open to agency staff and not to the public.

Meanwhile, the quirky acquisition has brought a whole new perspective to staff benefits. It features a games room and also includes a landscaped beer garden and has a feel of a traditional country pub. As well as being a pub it contains meeting rooms and chill out space for people to relax and work on projects.

The decision to launch the pub was taken after the agency was voted global agency of the year across all of McCann Worldgroup. The award came with a cash prize and the decision on how to spend the money was put out to suggestions. The overwhelming preference expressed by staff was to redevelop the semi derelict gatehouse into a hostelry and three months after the decision was taken, the pub is being launched.

Sue Little, McCann Manchester’s chief executive said: “Having received the accolade of being the best agency in the McCann global network, it felt appropriate to ask our staff to decide how to spend the prize money. After all, it is all of our staff who’ve made the agency what it is and played their part in winning the award.”


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