Visualise films Wimbledon in 360 degrees

Visualise, the bespoke 360 photographers has this week completed the world’s first 360 videos taken inside the Wimbledon Tennis Championships. 

The two 360 degree videos of the event have been captured by Visualise in collaboration with IBM, using a custom-built 360 live-lens camera. Together, the videos unveil the real atmosphere during a match within different locations of the venue, as well as a video of the ‘Champions Walk’ which players take when walking from the changing rooms to the centre court.

Nineteen still images, strategically planned by Visualise to capture the tennis tournaments’ both in and out of play, have been woven together using a custom-built interface, before and during the Championships. 

Henry Stuart, founder of Visualise said: “Wimbledon chose to go with Visualise due to our unique ability to deliver both 360 stills and 360 videos with an unparalleled turnaround time. This meant content was shot on the opening day of the tournament and ready and working on the app within a couple of days after shooting. ”

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