Find the right PR agency – compare services offered and industry expertise.
Understand skills and specialisms – what specialist areas of expertise are offered by agencies and what revenue generation potential they can offer you.
Analyse current trends in PR agency activity – research reveals the key challenges and opportunities for agencies.
Benchmark the performance of B2B marcomms agencies – allows comparisons of expertise, services and trade body memberships. The league table ranks agencies according to GI, and also includes historical performance, growth and headcount metrics.
Learn from the top agencies – read best practice advice from the top agencies.
"Changes in focus are likely to be reflective of a combination of digitisation, business strategy, client demand and industry change"
John Doe

Section one – displays research analysis into the current trends in PR agency activity.
Section two – contains the Top 20 PR agencies league table. Section three – includes a series of best practice articles from select agencies. Section four – provides a comparison of expertise and services of a select number of agencies.