While many marketers know the value of clean data, they find it difficult to relay that to their stakeholders. Without being able to convey the ROI of quality data, marketers can’t get buy-in for a relatively large unbudgeted spend. And why would the board invest in data when they could use that same budget for marketing campaigns, for example, which they might expect to generate immediate returns.
While marketing has the greatest realisation of the consequences of poor data, it is a business-wide problem. Communicating this message is key to gaining sign-off for data investment. This report, written in conjunction with Dun & Bradstreet, will explore how to overcome board objections, how to gain buy-in, and how marketing can take the lead.
The report also contains key insight from data experts and marketing leaders who have been able to articulate and prove a strong business case for their data, including:
- Payal Jain, managing director, JCURV
- Claire Wood, interim leader, clients and industries, Deloitte
- Paul Fakley, executive director of engagement, British Safety Council
- Adam Leslie, European sales and marketing solutions leader, Dun & Bradstreet.