Brands lack advertising strategy for Internet TV

The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Adjust Your Set, a multi-platform video agency, have revealed that only 12 per cent of 200 IAB members questioned have an advertising strategy for Internet-connected TVs.

Informa has estimated that manufacturers such as Samsung, LG and Sony will sell 52 million Internet-connected TVs globally this year, with the numbers set to rise to 123 million by 2014.

The research from IAB and Adjust Your Set found that 10 per cent of respondents ‘remain uncertain’ as to when a connected TV strategy will be implemented. Chris Gorell Barnes, CEO of Adjust Your Set said that brands should carefully consider the ‘rapid uptake’ of Internet-enabled TVs and the potential revenue there is to gain, “While people are purchasing Internet-enabled devices it is still unclear whether they will plug them in. It is the industry’s responsibility to create compelling content propositions to persuade the audience.”

Most of those questioned felt that content should be short-form, new, entertaining and engaging. Over a third believed that a spend of £50,000 should be allocated to an Internet strategy.  Sixty eight per cent of marketers also showed concern over the fact that viewers may only connect their Internet TVs once the trend becomes more prevalent.

While TV advertising has traditionally always been more prevalent in the B2C space, recent TV campaigns from the likes of Citrix and DH suggests Internet TV advertising could become an equally lucrative medium for B2B brands in the future.

Jack Wallington, head of industry programmes, IAB commented, “It’s clear the industry considers the platform a significant leap for online advertising, but it has also become apparent that like so many other technological developments we’re waiting for the customer leap first.”

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