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Find out how Really B2B took the prize for best use of martech for demand generation

Find out how Really B2B helped Redstor achieve more than 2500 MQL’s with an ROI over 400% with its ‘Data Disruptors’ campaign. 

About the client company 

Redstor provides cloud data management solutions helping clients discover, manage and control their data from a single control centre, unifying data backup & recovery, disaster recovery, archiving and data search & insight. 

Founded in 1998, Redstor is disrupting the world of data management with its solutions that enable organisations to access data on demand wherever it is stored and across any device at any time, demolishing business downtime. 

Specific issues or challenges to be addressed 

Business objective: Significantly scale up demand generation activity for the direct element of the business to support a 25% growth target in FY18/19 across direct, channel and existing customers. 

Marketing and martech specific objectives: 

Scale up demand generation activity, quickly: With recent investment, the business needed to demonstrate value to investors at speed and scale. 

Build a clear and accurate picture of the Redstor prospect universe: Redstor needed a technology solution, which would provide them with clear visibility of their universe across all territories, accurate decision maker information and compliance from a GDPR perspective. 

Empowering marketing: The selected vendor solutions had to be intuitive enough to be owned by marketing with little input from tech and development. 

Manage segmentation of messaging and personalisation at scale: The prospect database includes over 200k businesses across UK, Europe and South Africa. 

In order to drive maximum impact, engagement and response, the tech stack needed to facilitate a customer journey that was segmented at a geographic, vertical and job function level. 

Build a true picture of ROI 

  • Redstor needed complete visibility of each customer journey regardless of the path they followed. 
  • Non-marketing stakeholders needed up to the minute performance information. 
  • Increase product demonstrations and revenue 
  • The core objective of the demand generation programme was to generate increased product demonstration MQLs

Technical decision makers/influencers: 

  • Data 
  • IT

Unique challenges and data management requirements identified in persona research 

  • Reliable data management support
  • Types of content topic consumption 
  • Data management 
  • Innovation and industry news 

Non-technical decision makers/influencers: 

  • MD/Owner 
  • Data protection 
  • Officer finance 

Unique challenges and data management requirements identified in person research 

  • Flexible and scalable data management partners to adapt to business needs 

Types of content topic consumption

  • General business development 
  • Personal development 

Redstor’s campaign ‘Data Disruptors’ encapsulates Redstor’s challenger offering around instant access back-up and recovery. Consumers naturally expect to have everything “on demand” whether that be films through Netflix, goods through Amazon or pizza through Just-eat. 

Redstor’s solution allows businesses to continue this expectation in the workspace by providing instant access to recovered data rather than waiting days, demolishing business downtime, liberating IT teams and offering better control over data. 

Creatively, Redstor wanted to move away from staid images typically seen in its  space and create an emotional connection with the audience. 

Following a workshop, it was decided that using animals would be a powerful way to communicate with Redstor’s audience because: 

  1. Taking the campaign back to nature would illustrate the agility and freedom offered with the Redstor solution. 
  2. The captivating animal kingdom would humanise the campaign and leverage our fascination with animals against what is considered a relatively dull market. 
  3. Creating new illustrations and imagery unique to Redstor meant they could really “own” these and leverage them in future campaigns. 

A full suite of integrated activity was developed for each decision maker type across email, content, social media, paid search, direct mail and telemarketing in order to reach prospects at the right time in a way that resonated with them.

The martech solution 

Martech audit: Really B2B carried out a full audit of Redstor’s existing tech stack, which was centred around Hubspot. 

Data: Data platforms were analysed based on quality of data, analysis of data collection methods used and their ability to integrate into CRM via API. 

118 info was used for volume and to allow the campaign to go as wide as possible whilst DiscoverOrg and Rhetorik provided the most accurate picture of the decision making unit. 

Really built relevant data segments within each platform, with weekly updated files provided via API to update the CRM and MAP. This helped to ensure speedy campaigning. 

MA, CRM and CMS 

Hubspot: Hubspot was being used as Redstor’s MA platform and CRM with a primary function of conducting automated customer journeys to known prospects. A platform usage and cost review was carried out and based on the marketing team’s high engagement it was agreed to remain. Really delivered improved audience segmentation, enhanced lead scoring methodology and overhauled all landing pages and CTAs in line with the campaign theme and objectives. 

Adestra: Adestra was used to move unknown prospects through the funnel into engaged prospects, at which point they would automatically be transferred into Hubspot and begin their segmented nurture journey. 

Using Adestra first allowed for wider reach and identification of fast converting unknown wins, giving faster impact than using inbound only. 

Vortex: The addition of Vortex (Really B2B’s inhouse CRM at zero cost to Redstor) ensured complete data transparency. As telemarketing was used in the demand generation campaign, it was imperative that diallers could view all live data as well as individual actions (email opens, links clicked, responses, web page views etc.) by contact and company level to prioritise dialling time, increasing efficiency. 

Additional development consultancy ensured integration between Adestra, Hubspot and Vortex and third-party data partners. 

Customer experience 

Webeo: As the campaign was heavily segmented, the continuation of this relevancy on the website was essential.  Using IP based Al combined with rich data Webeo enabled Redstor to recognise a prospect’s firmographic data and serve a personalised experience on the website. 

Redstor created versions of home and core site pages segmented with different imagery, content and messaging by vertical, business size and geography. 

Turtl: Turtl software was used to create campaign content quickly, easily and on the fly with less expensive agency resources. 

Insight and analytics 

Enigma: Really’s planning software was used to effectively plan and benchmark campaign performance against overall sector performance. 

Lead Forensics: Lead Forensics was used to set up trigger reports that flagged when a prospect that had been touched by another channel visited the website. This gave effective attribution and ensured inside sales focused on prospects who were most engaged, maximising conversion. 

Bombora: Intent signal data was fed into the database prioritising email, social and telemarketing activity on accounts known to be surging on related data management topics. 

Power BI: Power BI brought all of the campaign insight together in one dashboard. Allowing instant access reporting and visibility of performance at any time. 


The martech solutions were designed in such a way to ensure swift integration and deployment, leveraging tried-and-tested tools by Really B2B, existing Redstor technology and integrated where possible. 

The technology roadmap was based on impact, starting with data partners and Adestra to achieve momentum and reach quickly. This allowed the team to create benchmarks for results and measure the uplift from the remaining martech, as it was implemented. 

For agility the integration phase with Hubspot, Adestra and Vortex worked concurrently while Really selected the right data tech and ESP. Power Bl was also implemented at the start of the campaign. 


  • 2,609 MQL’s
  • 1,121 SQL’s
  • 549 opportunities
  • Closed won business totals £1.2m based on a 6-12 month sales cycle
  • Pipeline revenue is £12.9m
  • ROI is over 400%

"Following the immense efforts on both sides prior to our tech stack implementation and campaign launch, Redstor is going from strength to strength. The volume and quality of leads and opportunities being generated is making a massive difference to our business in terms of growth but most importantly, we have the visibility and reporting to see exactly what is driving this success."

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